Ghana passes bill making identifying as LGBTQ+ illegal

Ghana’s parliament has passed a tough new bill that imposes a prison sentence of up to three years for anyone convicted of identifying as LGBTQ+. It also imposes a maximum five-year jail term for forming or funding LGBTQ+ groups. Lawmakers heckled down attempts to replace prison sentences with community service and counselling. It is theContinue reading “Ghana passes bill making identifying as LGBTQ+ illegal”

Support Kenyan LGBTQ+ Youth Experiencing Homelessness

Support Kenyan LGBTQ+ Youth Experiencing Homelessness For over five years, True Colors United has been fostering meaningful partnerships with individuals and organizations at the forefront of the fight against homelessness across various regions, from Eastern Europe to East Africa. Now, we’re focusing our efforts on supporting Kenneth and Jacob’s House (KJHouse), the first LGBTQ+ youthContinue reading “Support Kenyan LGBTQ+ Youth Experiencing Homelessness”